Tuesday, May 25, 2010

"Fanhasso, Fanhita, Fanacho"

“Fanhasso, Fanhita, Fanacho”

“Remember, Come together & Stand tall”

This is the mantra for the day & perhaps an apt summary for efforts put forth throughout this trip.
Accreditation is a tedious, stressful process normally encompassing 45 days. We have completed it in 8.
We wrapped up remaining details as Dr Besachio finished interpreting the exams for submission. Naomi & I checked & re-checked them for mandated demographic & technical elements. They will go in my carry-on bag along with the stack of critical paperwork. This cargo is too precious to leave transit up to the airlines!
Dr B. bought lunch from the Jamaican grill as tangible thanks for our hard work. I had fresh-grilled yellowtail. Hard to beat the Island’s best fresh catch.
It is both a relief & odd consolation to be done. Although I am truly looking forward to my own bed & being back with loved ones, both human & 4-footed, I will miss the camaraderie & friendship extended me by the staff. After a fond farewell parting with Naomi & Marina (goodbyes to Isabel were shared over the noon hour), I headed back to the Hyatt, stopping at Alapung beach with it’s beautiful statue representing 3 Generations of Chamorro women. After a loop through the Governor Flores’ Beach Park, I hit the beach for one more ocean swim. Today’s items were added to the nearly full suitcase for my morning departure.
I leave the island with an appreciation for Guam’s contrasts & beauty. I am touched by the hard work of many to better life for themselves, their families & their patients.

1 comment:

  1. Sure sounds like you have had a very productive and wonderful time. Thank you for sharing your experience with us. We are praying for traveling mercies for you.
    Jenn (and Jeff)
