Friday, May 21, 2010

19 hours ahead & Friday afternoon are catching up with me....

Although this has been a whirlwind week, it doesn’t seem possible that we have already reached Friday. Again, not as busy clinically as I would have wished, but we have exhausted recruiting creativity and are taking any and all walk-ins. Today was QC day, so we did all the required tests, documented them and forwarded them on to the physicist in Japan for final review and inclusion in her report on the facility. I realize how fortunate we are at home to have an in-house expert in Capt. Fong. Much of the afternoon was devoted to statistics, spreadsheets, accumulating data and copying forms.

At the end of the workday, Naomi, Marina, Isabel and I headed out to 2 Lover’s Point on the North end of the Island to watch the sunset and have a sweeping view of Tumon Bay looking southward. Local legend alleges that this is the site where a couple with a forbidden relationship despaired of being separated by circumstance and their respective families and jointly entwined their hands and flowing hair and leapt of the rocky cliffs to their deaths. It is a favorite spots for weddings and formal sealing of relationships and observing the sunset as well. It is a remote site accessed by a long road from an inauspicious turn, actually quite easy to miss. I was happy to follow the Rico family in their car!
Spectacular blazing orange sunset tonight which slowly gave way to pink. Odd for me to think that so many miles away from home, that the sun sinks into the same sea.
Tomorrow Petty Officer Rico stands duty and so we have a half-day Saturday clinic. We welcome all comers! In the afternoon, we plan to tour the Southern part of the island as my time here wanes. Looking forward to both.


  1. Terry,
    What a beautiful spot! I am happy that you are having some opportunities to see some of the scenic spots.
    We had dinner with Josh last night. I guess he is having dinner with two former water polo players tonight. He will be coming over Monday to help out and to borrow the truck.
    All is well here.
    The only unsettling thing is that Steve Conklin has a probable diagnosis of Lou Gehrigs disease.
    We will be ansious to see you soon.
    Love, Mom

  2. Hi,
    Love the pix and posts....and hello! Mike would faint at the comparison...ha ha. I am in SF at Cathy's graduation with her Master's Degree at USF. Having a very fun time. Just back from Philly. Going to New Mexico first week in June then back to Jordan Ugh...ya is great but you see that it takes it's toll...and you are 10 yrs younger then me!!!! ;o))
