Thursday, May 20, 2010

ACR and the FDA are all about the details.....

No too busy clinically today but lots accomplished in terms of paper readiness. Data gathering and reporting are the name of the game. I know the real saying is "God is in the details", but nobody told the ACR & FDA that it was not their purview! After work, Naomi and her girls Mirena and Isabel and I had a little Guam 101 session, even visiting some sights that they haven't seen in their 3 years living here on the island. We first went to the beautiful Basilica, modern with amazing stained glass work. It is true leaded glass and not painted. Lovely with the sun behind it.
We then visited Latte stone park. The Latte stones are part of the Chamorro heritage with many meanings. Some believe that they were the original foundation stones for houses that would withstand the rising waters of typhoon season. Still others attribute them as memorials to ancestors.
We then drove to Top of the Mar which is a lovely hillside sight overlooking the ocean. It had an amazing Mongolian BBQ where you select all the meat and vegetable ingredients along with sauces and spices that are then stir fried outdoors on huge grills. It was delicious and fun. I felt very well looked after by Naomi and her girls and truly appreciated that they shared their precious few after-work family hours with me this evening. Another beautiful sunset over the water.
Tomorrow is Quality Control day- testing to be performed on equipment and results documenting on charts for submission to the accrediting board. Details, details. It will be a good way to wrap off the regular work week, although Naomi has duty this weekend and we will run a full day Saturday clinic. Time is passing quickly and I am feeling comfortable. I even sang with radio driving to the hospital this morning!

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